This event is SOLD OUT. Please check out one of these upcoming shows!
Sunday December 5th, 2021 - 3:00PM
Location : New York Comedy Club New York, NY
After brunch this Sunday, come to the New York Comedy Club for a raucous debate about the future of capitalism, moderated by Vice News correspondent and Fifth Column co-host Michael Moynihan. Jacobin founding editor, Socialist Manifesto author, and former co-chair of the Democratic Socialists for America Bhaskar Sunkara will square off with Nick Gillespie, editor at large of Reason and host of the podcast, The Reason Interview, to determine which economic system will destroy humanity.
Doors Open at 2:30 pm
*PLEASE NOTE: This event will be filmed as part of an upcoming series for VICE WORLD NEWS, premiering in early 2022. Attendees will be required to show proof of vaccination at the door.